Westlake Yacht Club (WYC)
32123 W. Lindero Canyon Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91361
Phone: (818) 889-4820
Year club founded: 1969
Year club joined SCYA: 1971
Total: 230 members. 5% sail, 45% power & 50% non-boat owners.
Facilities: Friday night social between 1800- 2100 hours. Lake is restricted to sailboats up to 18 feet and non-gas powered boats with Westlake License. Launch ramps & guest docks are available to SCYAYacht Clubs participating in monthly regattas and special events. Guest owned boats are subject to WLMAqagga mussel inspection before access is granted to Westlake Lake. Contact Club for information.
Boats: Club has boats available for club members to use including Sabots, C-14.2, Lasers, CJ’s, C-18’s and Kayaks. WYC has boats available for visiting SCYA members with reservations in advance.
Membership: Regular membership is open. Two sponsors plus initiation fee. Junior, Mariner and Corinthian memberships are also available.
Junior Program: Extensive Junior Sailing Program opens to the public during the summer including sailing lessons, seminars and regattas. Regattas are scheduled throughout the year.
Adult Sailing Program: Active sailing program including sailing lessons, seminars, and regattas.
Comments: Westlake is a challenging venue for small boat sailors to hone their sailing skills.