Channel Islands Women’s Sailing Association (CIWSA)
Mailing Address:
3600 Harbor Blvd., PMB #268, Oxnard, CA 93035
Email: ciwsa.membership@gmail.com
Phone: (415) 518-4046
Year club founded: 2009
Year club joined SCYA: 2011
Mission: The mission of the Channel Islands Women’s Sailing Association is to support and encourage women sailors of all experience levels. By participating in educational activities both on and off the water, we develop our sailing skills and promote the Corinthian spirit. Via our community outreach program, CIWSA strives to also foster a love of sailing in local girls, particularly those who might not otherwise be exposed to the sport.
On the Water Activities At least one on-the-water event is scheduled each month. These include…
CIWSA Daysails
Ventura Caregivers Sailathon
Annual Island Trip
Lady at the Helm race
“Boo Cruise” GPS on-the-water training
A day on a Catalina 37 with coaches from SeaGals, Long Beach
General Meetings: CIWSA holds approximately 9 general meetings on the 2nd Thursday of most months, either at Channel Islands Yacht Club (in CI Harbor) or Pierpoint Bay Yacht Club (in Ventura Harbor). We sometimes attend the Channel Islands Maritime Museum’s Speaker Series, and we host a holiday party in December. Each meeting is comprised of a no-host reception and dinner followed by a guest speaker. A brief business meeting is held at the end of the evening. Our general meetings run from 6:30 to 8:30.
Membership: We invite potential new members to attend one daysail and/or two of our meetings without any obligation to join. After that, visitors are asked to join the club if they would like to continue sailing and attending meetings. Our membership fees are $100 annually.