Nevada Yacht Club (NYC)
490 Horsepower Cove
Boulder City, NV 89005
(909) 547-7478

Mailing Address:
PO Box 12204
Las Vegas, NV 89112

Comments: We do not have an official clubhouse, but we Sail and host our events from the Lake Mead

Marina; located in the Lake Mead National Park Recreation area. Monthly membership meetings are held

on the 4th Thursday of each month at Dean’s Place, 8355 Dean Martin Dr, Las Vegas, NV. We conduct

TWO Basic Sail Training courses (2 Days each) per year; one in the Spring, and one in the Fall. These 2

Day courses are designed for the beginner / refresher course, and consist of both classroom & on-the

water training. We feature a full, year round racing schedule & various sailing social events.