Who We Are


Committees make up the core of SCYA productivity. As you can see below, we have an extensive group of dedicated volunteers working to meet the goals of our mission; SCYA’s promise of service to our members. Besides working with our members, SCYA has educational seminars, regattas, yachting historical archives, awards presentations, stock of sanctioned US Sailing Numbers for Area J, and more. SCYA is always available to discuss any topic with our members. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our committee chairs. You may send your inquiry to our Service Administrator and she will get you in touch ASAP. You may see a few TBD (To Be Determined) spots below. If you have the skills and knowledge to fill one of the positions, please contact the Service Administrator.


5 + 14 =

Reporting to:
Jodi Masters-Gonzales, SCYA Rear Commodore



Sylvia Wheeler Club of the Year
Rosalie Davis-Green Harbor Associations
S/C Shawn Milligan &  C Kathy St. Amant Historian
S/C Bill McNamara Member Outreach
S/C Anne Eubanks Membership
Elena Yuasa Old Timers
H/C Kimberly Milligan PCYA
Paul DeGraw Predicted Log/Motor Yachting
R/C Jodi Masters-Gonzales 2025 Race Calendar
Judi Glover Race Management Committee
Dick Townsend Radio Communications
Director Themis Glatman RBOC Legislative Committee
Steve Harris SCYYRA
C Kathy St. Amant Trophies
Elena Yuasa Ways & Means Committee (Opportunity Baskets)
Paddle Sports

Dave Lumian


Reporting to



Peter Phillips Adaptive Boating
Director Vic Jedlicka Angling
Kim Kymlicka Appeals/Rules
Director Herbert Brown Awards
Richard Somers Community Outreach
TBD Cruising
Director Herbert Brown Endorsement Committee
Treasurer Chris Haro Finance Chair
S/C Bill McNamara Fleet Captain
Dr. Michael Stone M.D. Medical Emergencies Afloat
TBD Membership Seminar
S/C John Marshall & John Barry Midwinter Regatta
TBD Model Yachting
Paul Katz PHRF Liason
John Miller Safety at Sea Seminars
C Kathy St. Amant Women’s Boating Event
Kim Bergeron Yearbook Data Collection
Director Marie Rogers Inclusive Boating 


Reporting to
Commodore Kathy St Amant



Joel Geldin Audit
S/C Anne Eubanks Budget Committee
H/C Kimberly Milligan Bylaws
C Kathy St. Amant Commodore’s Cruise 2024
Dave Lumian Government Relations
C Kathy St. Amant & Director Howard Brenner 2024 Installation
H/C Kimberly Milligan Judge Advocate
S/C Gary Green Insurance
Director Herbert Brown Long Range Planning
R/C Jodi Masters-Gonzales Marketing-Communications (Mar-Com)
John Gaddis Searchlight Digital Newsletter
Jr S/C John Caldwell Nominations
Kim Bergeron Opening Day Calendar
S/C Mark Hansen Opening Day Organizer
H/C Lorraine Coller Policies & Procedures
Jeanne Stafford Programs
Kim Bergeron Services Administrator
S/C Mark Hansen US Sailing Area J
S/C Mark Hansen & Director Marie Rogers US Sailing Representatives
C Kathy St. Amant & Jr S/C John Caldwell Webmaster
C Kathy St. Amant IT Committee
C Kathy St. Amant Yachting Protocol Guidelines



Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee decides appeals of decisions of protest committees/juries which are presented to it in accordance with the guidelines published in the SCYA Yearbook. The SCYA Appeals Committee will serve as the SCYA “Association Appeals Committee” within the context of Rules 70 and 71 and Appendix F of The Racing Rules of Sailing and will perform the duties described therein for member clubs of SCYA. This committee may also be called upon to serve sailors and organizations not part of SCYA but that are within Area J of US Sailing.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee provides verification of the work of the Treasurer in an after‑the‑fact review. The Committee also provides financial advice throughout the year.

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee provides expertise to the Board on matters pertaining to updating, changing or rescinding existing SCYA Bylaws.

Race Calendar Committee

The Race Calendar Committee is responsible for the publication of the annual SCYA Race Calendar and the preparation of the 2‑year calendar.

Club of the Year Committee

The Club of the Year Committee must administer the SCYA Club of the Year program. The Committee is responsible for encouraging SCYA member clubs to participate in the program thereby strengthening their involvement with SCYA, and rewarding participation in SCYA activities. The Club of the Year program is intended to promote the Corinthian spirit in yachting, encourage Clubs to engage in civic involvement and promote friendly interactions between Clubs and boaters. The Committee is charged with administering the program according to procedures listed in the Policy & Procedures Manual.

Commodores Cruise Committee

The Commodore’s Cruise Committee, with the Commodore, schedules, coordinates, publicizes and monitors the annual SCYA Commodore’s Cruise. The cruise is normally scheduled to coincide with the September meeting.

Radio Communications Committee

The Radio Communications Committee keeps the SCYA Board of Directors apprised of activities in maritime communications.

Harbor Association Liaison Committee

The Harbor Association Liaison Committee provides overall coordination between SCYA and the Harbor Associations.


The Historian is responsible for the collection, inventory, preservation, retrieval and suitable display of the archives, memorabilia and other items of historic significance belonging to SCYA.

Insurance Committee

The Insurance Committee oversees SCYA insurance needs.

Judge Advocate

The Judge Advocate provides counsel to SCYA, its Board of Directors, officers and employees in the conduct of SCYA activities.