Pierpont Bay Yacht Club (PBYC)
1363 Spinnaker Drive
Ventura CA 93001
(805) 644-6672

Total: 65 members – 20% power, 80% sail.

Facilities: Bar/Clubhouse open Fri. 1800 to 2200, Sat. 1700 to 2200, Sun. 1400 to 1700.
Marina will provide guest slips 1 day free to reciprocal club members. Call Ventura Isle Marina (805) 644-5858.

Membership: Actively seeking members! For more information and an application to join, go to http://pbyc.org/about-us/membership/

Comments: Very informal, friendly atmosphere over-looking beautiful Ventura Harbor. PBYC is a small club with a full spectrum of big club programs: racing, cruising and social. PBYC hosts the PBYC Island Series which includes the largest sailboat race in Ventura County, the Milt Ingram Trophy Race.