Los Angeles Yacht Club (LAYC)
285 Whalers Walk
San Pedro CA 90731
Facilities: 12,000 sq. foot clubhouse with extensive library, trophy displays, ship models, and photos dating back to the club founding in 1901. Angels Gate Bar and Bistro: fabulous food and drink service for Wednesday lunch- eon with speakers (all yachtsmen welcome), Friday evening member and guests dinner, Continental breakfast and grill open for lunch Saturday and Sunday. Best burgers in San Pedro. Juniors game and training room. Multiple rooms for catered events. Social, cruising and racing events scheduled throughout year. Private receptions and excellent catering. Growing fleet of day sail keel boats. Howland’s Landing out-station on Catalina west of Two Harbors with mooring reservation service for members during peak season.
Membership: Members enjoy great fellowship, social activities, fine dining, racing, cruising, and Howland’s Landing. Boat ownership not required. New Community Sailing membership provides ASAcertification and use of club-owned keel boats for local day sailing from Cabrillo Marina.
New member inquiries welcome. Comments: NEW racing event added this season is the Fast 50’s regatta in September. We are carrying on with other recent additions including the George Griffith Series, and Mercury Class Pacific Coast Championship. The Tri-Island race is on hiatus this year as it is not a Transpac year where a qualifier race is needed. Continuing regattas include Port of Los Angeles Harbor Cup Intercollegiate Regatta, Mid-Winter Around Catalina, Harbor Series Howland’s Layover.