Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the annual Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) event is going to have a different approach:   Instead of a one-day statewide event, we will be encouraging volunteers to clean their neighborhoods, local parks, local creeks, or other natural area, either alone or with only the people with whom they have been sheltering-in-place. Instead of just one day, we will be asking people to volunteer each Saturday of September, between 9 AM – Noon. Let’s help clean the beaches and waterways by cleaning up in our own neighborhoods and local natural areas.nnThis is how it will work:n


  • Contact your County Coordinator for the most UpToDate information on cleanup activities in your area like you did in the past.
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  • Report to the County Coordinator (and Vivian Matuk vmatuk@coastal.ca.govwhen and where in September you will be conducting your local cleanup (waterways, beach, park neighborhood).
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  • Please provide the name of your boating facility (marina, yacht club, organization, association, aquatic center, etc)
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  • Have ready your cleanup items.  Check the website here for ideas on bringing your own (BYO) clean up items.
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nTo protect your health and slow the spread of the coronavirus, please follow the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, available here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html.nnIn addition to the CDC guidelines, the Coastal Commission recommends the following practices for cleaning up litter and other debris:nnPreparationn


  • If you are sick in any way, DO NOT go out for a cleanup.
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  • Assemble your own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): face mask, gloves, and make sure to wear close-toed shoes to protect against sharp objects.
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  • Download the Clean Swell app (available for free on all platforms) to keep track of what you pick up and how many people participated with you.
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  • Use the name of your yacht club, marina, aquatic center or boating group when entering the data into the Clean Swell app in the Group name function in the app
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  • You can access the 2020 CCD art by clicking here so you can include the date, location and time for your clean so you can include the date, location and time for your clean
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n Cleanupn


  • Maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from everyone you encounter, even if you are wearing a mask.
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  • ALWAYS wear gloves – disposable if available – and dispose or wash them immediately after your cleanup.
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  • Avoid touching any surfaces like railings, benches, etc.
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  • Avoid touching your face.
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  • Do not pick up sharp objects, especially syringes!
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  • If you clean up a local beach or waterway, be mindful of the conditions (such as high tide, sneaker wave warnings, etc.), and be careful near the water’s edge.
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  • Keep a safe distance from all wildlife!
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  • Unfortunately, you may find used gloves, masks, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) among litter. DO NOT PICK UP ANY PPE without a grabber. Put all PPE litter in a separate disposable bag.
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nAfter Cleanupn


  • Dispose or wash gloves immediately after your cleanup. To properly remove disposable gloves, grab the glove opening near your wrist and pull towards your fingers, then turn the glove inside out before disposing.
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  • Wash your hands thoroughly as soon as possible, and use hand sanitizer in the meantime if soap and water are unavailable.
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  • Show us your cleanup! Post your pictures using our “Protect Your Happy Place” filter on Instagram and Facebook and see how your community is participating.
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  • Contact Vivian Matuk (vmatuk@coastal.ca.gov) with the following informationn

    • Name of your yacht club, marina, aquatic center or boating group that participated in the cleanup
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    • Estimated total pounds of trash collected
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    • Estimated total pounds of recyclables
    • n

    • Number of people who participated in your clean up event
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    • Number of vessels on the water if any
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  • Since this year the participating groups will be smaller, you will be able to place your collected trash and recyclables in the regular containers and near where you decide to clean.
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nBy participating you understand and agree that neither the State of California or California Coastal Commission may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death, or other damages to you or your family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result of your participation, or as a result of product liability or the negligence, whether passive or active, of any party in connection with the cleanups.nn